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Scientific papers (published or in press)


Alonso, H., Granadeiro, J.P., Waap, S., Xavier, J., Symondson, W.C., Ramos, J.A. & Catry, P. (2014). An holistic ecological analysis of the diet of Cory’s shearwaters using prey morphological characters and DNA barcoding. Molecular Ecology 23: 3719–3733. Doi: 10.1111/mec.12785.


Dias, M.P., Alho, M., Granadeiro, J.P. & Catry, P. (2015). Wanderer of the deepest seas: migratory behaviour and distribution of the highly pelagic Bulwer’s petrel. Journal of Ornithology in press. Doi: 10.1007/s10336-015-1210-9.


Silva, M. C., Matias, R., Ferreira, V. Catry, P. & Granaderio, J. P. (2015). Searching for a breeding population of Swinhoe’s Storm-petrel at Selvagem Grande, NE Atlantic, with a molecular characterization of occurring birds and relationships within the Hydrobatinae. Journal of Ornithology in press.  Doi: 10.1007/s10336-015-1257-7.


Catry, P., Dias, M.P., Catry, T., Pedro, P., Tenreiro, P.& Menezes, D. (in press). Bulwer’s petrels breeding numbers on the Desertas Islands (Madeira): improved estimates indicate the NE Atlantic population to be much larger than previously thought. Airo.



Meirinho A, Barros N, Oliveira N, Catry P, Lecoq M, Paiva VH, Geraldes P, Granadeiro JP, Ramírez I & Andrade J (in press). Atlas das Aves Marinhas de Portugal. Projeto FAME - Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa.




PhD: Waap, S. (2015). Trophic Relationships among Pelagic Predators of the Madeiran archipelago. School of Biosciences, Cardiff University.


Masters’: Carvalho, A.T. (2012). Ecologia alimentar de duas aves pelágicas das Ilhas Selvagens. Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon.


Masters’: Pinto, M. (2013). Brooding behaviour and influence of moon cycle on chick provisioning in a pelagic seabird, the Bulwer’s Petrel (Bulweria bulwerii). Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon.


Masters’: Alho, M.S. (2014). Movimentos e actividade migratória de uma ave pelágica: a Alma-negra (Bulweria bulwerii). Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon.


Masters’: Gatt, M. C. (2014).The influence of moon phase on foraging success in the Bulwer’s Petrel (Bulweria bulwerii). School of Science and the Environment, The Manchester Metropolitan University.




Waap, S., Catry, P., Granadeiro, J.P., Dias, M., Almada, V., Symondson, W.O.C. (2013). Molecular analysis of the diets of seabirds (Procellariiformes). MTI-2: 2nd International Symposium on the Molecular Detection of Trophic Interactions, Lexington, Kentucky, USA. 13 -17th of May, 2013.


Dias, M., Granadeiro, J. P. Catry, P. (2014). How do seabirds migrate? Differences and similarities with terrestrial migrants. VIII Congresso de Ornitologia da SPEA, Almada, Portugal, 1-4 March 2013.


Pinto, M., Dias, M. P., Catry, T., Granadeiro, J. P. & Catry, P. (2014). Influence of the lunar cycle on chick provisioning of a pelagic seabird, the Bulwer’s Petrel (Bulweria bulwerii). VIII Congresso de Ornitologia da SPEA, Almada, Portugal, 1-4 March 2013.


Alho, M. & Dias, M. (2014). Migratory Movements of a pelagic bird: Bulwer’s petrel (Bulweria bulwerii). VIII Congresso de Ornitologia da SPEA, Almada, Portugal, 1-4 March 2013.


Dias, M. P., Lacelles, B., Phillips, R.A., Granadeiro & Catry, P. (2015). Using seabird tracking data to identify marine protected areas: does inter-annual variation justify multiple year tracking? BOU 2015 Annual Conference - Birds in time and space: avian tracking and remote sensing. University of Leicester, UK, Mar - Apr 2015.


Gatt, M.C., Granadeiro, J.P., Dias, M.P., Jones, M. & Catry, P. (2015). The influence of moon phase on foraging success in the Bulwer’s Petrel (Bulweria bulwerii). 2nd World Seabird Conference. Cape Town, South Africa, 26-30 October 2015. 

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